Tax Information
Property taxes are a funny animal! Wherever you live in Maine and whatever may be the town’s fiscal year, the state wide assessment date is April 1st each year. This means that the value taxed is as of that date. For instance, if a building burned to the ground on April 2nd, the taxable value as of the day before would still be taxed and due. Sound unfair? The converse is also true….if you placed a brand new home on your land on April 2nd, you would not pay tax on it until the following year!
The fiscal year for the Town of Guilford is February 1—January 31. Tax bills are typically mailed out in July because the rate cannot be set until the school budget has been approved in late June. This creates the strange situation that by the time you receive your tax bill, its already five months late since you are paying for the period from February 1st through January 31st. Bills are then due on receipt and interest begins after August 31st. We do encourage property owners to pay on their bills throughout the year at any amount that is convenient to them. If you have questions about your property taxes please call Town Office at 207-876-2202.
Property taxes may be paid online at this link.
There are some cases where individuals are not eligible to use the online tax payment service. Please review and verify that your property tax account does not have any of the following exceptions on it before using this service.
-Accounts with a prior tax year delinquency are ineligible. Please contact your town office for more information.
-Accounts that are in dispute or protest are ineligible. Please contact your town office for more information.
-Accounts with a lien or foreclosure may not use this service. Please contact your town office for more information.