Drivers Licence

You can renew your driver’s license on or before the expiration date or as early as 6 months prior to your driver’s license expiration.

Things you will need to renew your driver’s license:

  1. Document(s) showing proof of your physical address in Maine;
    i.e. Vehicle Registration, Utility Bill, Maine Resident Hunting/Fishing License
  2. Document(s) proving you are a US Citizen or are in the country legally;
    i.e. Birth Certificate, Passport, Certificate of Naturalization
  3. You may be required to have an eye test;
  4. If your social security number is not on file with the Secretary of State, you must provide your social security number.

You may be eligible to renew your driver’s license online.

You can renew your driver’s license by going to any of the motor vehicle branch offices or mobile unit sites.

Acceptable forms of payment for fees are: Cash, Check (Made out to the Secretary of State), Money Order, Visa, MasterCard or Discover.